Obviously, this is a default Blogger template. And while it is quite beautiful and by the quite talented Todd Dominey, it is still just a template, and not something that really expresses the purpose of this blog or says anything about me. I plan to eventually create my own design (and I may go with one that I have sitting around already mostly done), but I have made a promise to myself first — I will post here for awhile (probably about a month or two, depending on how frequently I end up posting) at which point I will step back, take a critical look at my content, and decide wether it's worthy of continuation, and a better design. I have a habit of getting too cuaght up in the design proccess, and neglecting the content. This approach will let me give the content the love it deserves, and also will perhaps mean the end result is a design more fitting of my content.
(I've put this in the sidebar as well, as I feel it's important to keep around as a little background.)
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